50 over fifty: Florence 'See See' Rigby

Florence 'See See' Rigby is the oldest practicing nurse in the United States. She recently turned 90.

Rigby has spent her entire nursing career in one hospital, Tacoma General. She began there as a student in 1946. She retired once, at the age of 67, but got bored and returned to work after a few months.

"She runs circles around all of us," Sheri Morris, assistant nurse manager, told TODAY.com. "She's a wealth of wisdom and knowledge, and we absolutely love her."

Rigby seems to have been ahead of the curve, as it's only now that a lot of Boomers are finding that the whole idea of being retired is unattractive, since they haven't yet gotten tired in the first place. Nursing's a tiring job, of course, and the fact that she can still do it at 90 suggests that she's an extraordinary specimen. Tacoma General's also to be commended for realizing that older (or in Rigby's case, way way older) employees have value precisely because of the wealth of experience they've accumulated.